Awards Nominations

May 13, 2013


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Those of you who have read parts of this blog other than the Poetry page know a bit about my history.

For the poetry buffs, here is a brief synopsis:

About 5 years ago I lost my husband of 32 years after a two year battle with cancer. Since that time I have been emotionally adrift. The fires of my creativity have been banked so low that I don’t even remember much of the time between then and now. I know I started this blog because I read it and recall the events, though I wonder how I wrote those words when I could barely think. I guess there must have been moments of lucidity.

A little over six months ago I met someone who reached out a hand to me and showed me the way back to solid ground.

This is dedicated to one who has come to mean more to me than I ever thought was possible.


My Love, My Friend,
please read this with an open mind.
I am not trying to influence you,
only struggling to put my feelings into words.

From The Abyss
 For many years,
through many tears
I found trust.

I remember the feeling.
Absolute trust.

Trust that love was strong,
would survive anything,
that life was laid out and
would always be good,
that there was a place for me
a sanctuary where I was safe
from curves the world could throw.

Then, my world shattered.
One piece at a time,
over the course of years,
until the sky fell down
and the ground gave way.

I fell into a dark and bottomless pit
unable to find solid ground
severed and directionless,
wrapped in a numbing cocoon.
By choice unaware.

But in the darkness I felt a touch.
A hand reached out,
warm fingers stroked my cheek,
reminders that life continues
outside the abyss.

Gentle guidance led me
to solid footing and a ray of light.

At first, the light was too bright,
I had no strength to stand,
but time passed, my eyes adjusted,
my strength returned.

Like a phoenix I am rising
from ashes of the past
to a new beginning.

without that touch,
that hand,
that light


would I have drifted
beyond reach?

Heaven’s Portal

The green of grass, the blue of sky,
a mother’s touch, a baby’s cry,
my cup flows over, all is good…
In Heaven’s portal I have stood.


Years ago when I lived in the Florida Keys there was a phenomenon I observed only a few times in the two years I was there. All things came together in harmony….

I went to work just before sun-up from Long Key across the Three Mile Bridge (which was only two lanes wide at that time); the tide was in mid change as I crossed the bridge; the air was perfectly calm. The water was as still as glass as far as the eye could see and reflected the blue of the sky like a mirror in such a way that it was impossible to tell where water ended and sky began. I drove across the bridge with my heart in my throat and the most extraordinarily awesome visual and spiritual impression of driving across the sky. It was one of those mystical experiences akin to touching the hand of God.

The Bridge To Heaven

I rise from bed five minutes slow,
brush my teeth, comb my hair,
throw on clothes, and race to the car…
Hurry! Hurry! Or I’ll be late!

The engine turns over, I hit the gas,
gravel flies, and tires skid,
then speeding along on an empty road…
Hurry! Hurry! Or I’ll be late!

Pavement is clear ahead of me,
bridge and sky and glass-calm sea,
so pure and still, such serenity….
Slow down! Stop! And let me see!

Transported am I to fantasy,
heart in throat I stare ahead
at bridge extending through the sky….
Slow down! Stop! And let me see!

My heart swells and suddenly
I sense a shift in reality,
the bridge to Heaven, can this be?
Slow down! Stop! And let me see!

Tears track my cheeks, I creep along
to drink the view and hear the song
Angels sing at times like these…
Slow down! Stop! And let me see!

I reach the end of magic bridge
and wish the trip had longer gone.
Could I have seen far white gates?
if I had slowed a little more?

Continued I to work that day
but I would never be the same
since Heaven’s Bridge I have seen…
My eyes see God in everything.


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